Building a Robot
Building a robot can come in many forms from designing a combat robot including but not limited to Combat Robotics, Lego Mindstorm robots, autonomous cars, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), Industrial Manufacturing Robots, Underwater Robotics, and many more. Some robots are directly controlled by humans, others follow a sequential execution of repeated actions while others preform a concurrent execution on sets of actions.
In these tutorials we focus on a concurrent processing robot meaning a robot that can be processing multiple things at a single moment (sensor, planning, mapping, etc..).
If you are an absolute beginner looking to build your own robot, start by building and programming and programming one of the following robots:
These robots can be simple and very rewarding to start a good foundation of robotics.
If you are experienced with a background of these robots these tutorials are built to learn the next phase of robotics being ROS2, a open source robotics framework for developing concurrent processing robots in a customizable way.
These tutorials will teach foundational topics in robotics in a easy to understand way.